Tag: travel


Crowds at the Trevi Fountain
Satisfying that craving for gelato
The Coliseum’s vastness

I visited Rome…a friend had said “Rome just keeps giving,” and he was right. Every corner you turn, there was something spectacular, ecstatic, surprising…and yet all very comfortable and inviting. What a splendid place, splendid people, a plaza society.

There is no “but” coming—it’s all good. Sights, people, food, transportation, weather, people watching: what a place, so old and yet not jaded.

It is monumental, things are large and then you get to someplace like St. Peter’s, the Coliseum, the Vatican Museums or the Pantheon and it is REALLY LARGE! Photos fail to catch the scale. And of course, it’s impossible to catch how nice people are, the quality of the food, sandwiches, coffee, wine, pizzas, dinners, seafood, or the close-in vistas that reveal themsleves all along those narrow streets.

Now back in Berlin, a different scene entirely, enjoyable in a different way.

And I note New England is getting your classic St. Patrick’s week blizzard.

east lake, georgia

I’m currently in Atlanta, Georgia in a neighborhood named East Lake. It has been mentioned in rap songs but is also home to the very famous Bobby Jones designed East Lake Golf Course (members only).

it is just south of Decatur, Georgia which has cachet and so has lots of restaurants and traffic. Notable sites in the area are Value Village thrift store, the place that gives a two week guarantee on used tires, the undertaker with a broken clock and, a bit farther, the Dekalb Farmer’s Market.