Category: Panoramas

Ten Panos + 1, China

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Crowds at the Trevi Fountain
Satisfying that craving for gelato
The Coliseum’s vastness

I visited Rome…a friend had said “Rome just keeps giving,” and he was right. Every corner you turn, there was something spectacular, ecstatic, surprising…and yet all very comfortable and inviting. What a splendid place, splendid people, a plaza society.

There is no “but” coming—it’s all good. Sights, people, food, transportation, weather, people watching: what a place, so old and yet not jaded.

It is monumental, things are large and then you get to someplace like St. Peter’s, the Coliseum, the Vatican Museums or the Pantheon and it is REALLY LARGE! Photos fail to catch the scale. And of course, it’s impossible to catch how nice people are, the quality of the food, sandwiches, coffee, wine, pizzas, dinners, seafood, or the close-in vistas that reveal themsleves all along those narrow streets.

Now back in Berlin, a different scene entirely, enjoyable in a different way.

And I note New England is getting your classic St. Patrick’s week blizzard.

counting blessings in berlin

Dark Apartment, 148 Lincoln

Lock Up Storage Pano 1

For six months I have been packing my worldly belongings into a storage area. This was not fun, but it is done. I had a lot of help and support, and many thanks! I locked the old house up, locked the storage up, locked my car and had my friends drop me at Union Station in New Haven.



This morning at 7:23AM I landed at Tegel airport in Berlin. I will be posting regularly and in varied ways now and in the coming months and invite you to come along on the journey, tell your friends about and on Instagram where I will try to post daily (my #selfdrivingcar project is the default, but you see a lot of interesting things on the road). I’ve never gotten a comment (I don’t think: there are still couple of loose ends), so try me! Always a thrill!


dc: inauguration-women’s march

The top image is a group of ‘trouble boys’ intent on making a political statement through window smashing and burning trash cans. Note media contingent.

The next pano is Pennsylvania Avenue across from the District Building at 13th Street. I waited there with all those cops for the Inaugural Parade but after a (long) while it started to get dark and I left.

The next two panos are from Saturday’s Women’s March, a weak attempt to show what the enormous, extraordinary crowds that covered the Mall, Independence, Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenues that day were like.