signs at the women’s march(es)

This is a list of signs from the Women’s March on January 21, 2017. Most of them are from the DC march, but some from others. The Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank ran a column with some of the ones he liked best, but the comments had many many more.

Read it and smile at a time of so many unfunny events. It’s easier to convince a person by joking with them than it is by shouting at them.

Women are the wall, and Trump will pay.

2,864,974 because we know it bothers you

Tweet others as you want to be tweeted. (The golden shower rule)

140 characters but no character. #SAD

Make love not wall.

I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change; I’m changing the things I cannot accept!

Honestly, I’d prefer an actual swamp.

Donald Trump’s Book Club –& pics of “The Constitution for Dummies”

Can Trump Tweet and Juggle Putin’s Balls at the Same Time?”

Don’t Make Me Come Back Here

There is no Planet B.

No, Donald, THIS is a massive crowd

Whose interests are you Putin first?

Our Rights Are Not up for Grabs, and Neither Are We

Fight Like a Girl

If I Make My Uterus a Corporation Will You Stop Regulating It?

We’ve Taken this “Anyone Can Be President” Thing Too Far

#Tweet Us with Respect

Hottest new tea for party: IM-Peach-Mint

Abort unwanted presidencies

And Jesus, he wants to go to Venus


Protect Your Privates from Ryan

Why don’t you leave us for a younger, prettier country?

Thou Shalt Not Mess With Women’s Reproductive Rights” Fallopians 4:28′

Goodnight science, goodnight facts, goodnight corporate income tax.

Leave it to The Beavers

“I Believe In Partial Term Presidencies.”


I do not like you down my shirt

I do not like you up my skirt

I do not like you on my rump

I do not like you, Mr. Trump


I Thought That Sexual Offenders Weren’t Allowed In Government Housing

Melania, Blink Twice If You Need Help

You Haven’t Seen Nasty Yet

This Is Not A Good Sign

I Raise Up My Voice-Not So I Can Shout-But So Those Without A Voice Can Be Heard

Tinkle, tinkle little Tzar, Putin made you what you are



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